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STORY Design a website and come up with the visual hierarchy of content. Create awareness and grow customer base by selling to new and existing customers additional software. 
CHALLENGE Make the design work for new and existing customers.  Make the design appealing to dentists and dental receptionists (often known as the gate keepers to the dentist). Highlight the variety of software products that Maxident sells. 
SOLUTION The final product is an easy to navigate site clearly describing what Maxident is and what it's selling. Along with a Practice Potential calculator emphasizing how much dentist's will save with MxD software. Additional SEO optimization was also added to the site.
RESULT The result was an increase in traffic to the site through Google Analytics.  There was also an increase in sales of new software and additional add on software.
Postcards were designed and mailed to existing dental practice's to increase awareness of new software launches and features.

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