Soap, moisturizer, lip balm and essential oil package designs

Letter size brochure

Business cards. Front: contact info. Back: Seabuckthorn written in a variety of languages.

Banner for farmers market

STORY Solberry is a boutique processor of a Canadian grown super fruit, seabuckthorn.  Seabuckthorn is a shrub that grows an orange berry. This berry has anti-inflammatory properties, an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids. 
CHALLENGE Design branding, create package design for beauty products including: soap, face cream and lip balm. Create business cards, brochure and banner for farmers market. The challenge was to keep the brand consistent throughout all mediums. 
SOLUTION The result is an overall consistent and clean brand throughout the various printed materials. The package design is clean. The brochure has breathing room and is affordable to print digital. The business cards are easy to read with all the necessary information. 

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